Saturday, August 5, 2017


Bits and pieces of myself
I found in you
I saw a reflection of who I want to be
Of the thing about living
that I love the most
That made me want to touch you once
I wish you were around still

We flirted, we fought,
But that was all human,
Trivial things,
In comparison to what I adored,
That devotion that spark

Destiny works in funny ways,
We met for those few days,
May be it had to affect me in that way,
So I may never forget again

But I felt mocked when you touched me
In that manner
Destroying all that
Making it about lust
It hurt me

Silly girl with silly fantasies
That's what you thought about me
But you are only human
You have your flaws
These things will some day be forgotten

But if I get one more chance,
I would ask for you to sing
So I can savour one more time
The way you created magic with your words and your strings..

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